369 manifestation success stories

There are many success stories connected to 369 manifestation.


Perhaps it’s because no other manifestation theory has such an intellectual powerhouse behind it…Nikola Tesla!


What is the connection of 369 to Tesla?

According to Tesla, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 hold an elusive significance in the Universe that still eludes us. Understanding the meaning and relevance of these numbers could unlock the cryptic workings of the Universe. Consequently, many consider them divine and ideal for manifestation techniques.

Gratitude is the starting point for manifesting what you desire. Write as though your desire has already come true and infuse your words with strong emotions. Remember to keep your message short and focused.

Beginning with gratitude is key for the manifestation of your desires. Craft your words as if what you desire has already come to pass.


How the 369 method/369 manifestation method works…

The universe can be unlocked if we understand the power of 3, 6, and 9 – as claimed by Serbian-American inventor, Nikola Tesla. The 369 method is centered around this theory. To begin, we must create a focused sentence or paragraph that articulates our manifestation goals. To do this, we…


Step 1: Write out a sentence 3 times in the morning.

Step 2: Write the same sentence  6 times in your journal during the midday.

Step 3: Write the sentence out 9 times before you sleep.

Final thoughts…

This exercise involves writing about your dream for 33 consecutive days, ensuring that you visualize how it looks and feels when it comes true. If you skip a day, make up for it the next day. The key is to hold a high-energy and positive mindset and try different manifestation methods to enhance the 369 method