How to learn the law of attraction step by step


When learning anything it’s always useful to get a rundown of the steps involved.

The law of attraction or manifestation is no different.

To activate the Law of Attraction and manifest your desires, you need to follow 7 simple steps.


Here’s are those steps in order.


  1. Make A Decision

To effectively use the Law of Attraction, it is essential to first determine your goals.

In other words…make a decision on what you want.

This requires having a clear vision of what you want to achieve, whether it is related to your personal or professional life. Failing to do this often leads to disappointment and renders the Law ineffective.

 It is crucial to be specific when deciding what you want.

You must be clear with your request. If your desire is not clear, you will manifest whatever comes to you. The Universe will be confused with your request and thus, fail to give you the result you want.

To begin, reflect on what your desired career, lifestyle, location, and relationships entail. Defining your aspirations is crucial to successfully manifesting them. Without a clear vision, you will struggle to bring your goals to fruition.

Action Step: Develop a concise and explicit image of your ideal future. The more specific, the better.


  1. Make sure to ask for it…

To start manifesting your goals, the second step is to make a specific request. After determining what you desire, it’s essential to write it down and request it. Writing down what you want, such as the car you desire, in the present tense is critical. For instance, compose a sentence like, “I am driving a red Ferrari, 2023 plates.

More importantly, you must be willing to ask for it daily. Make sure you refer to what you want every single day. It is just like practicing daily goal setting. Choose to write it down, review it, and think about it every single day.

To harness the power of the Universe and manifest your desires, it is crucial to turn your conscious desires into your subconscious beliefs. This involves consciously programming your goals, dreams and wishes into your subconscious mind. For practical manifestation, it is essential to regularly think about what you want to achieve and ask for them every day until they manifest.

  1. Visualize

The Law of Attraction can be made more effective if people focus on visualizing their desired outcomes. Visualization has been scientifically proven to help achieve goals and enhance skills, as demonstrated by professional athletes who use it to improve performance. This is because the brain cannot distinguish between reality and mental imagery. Visualizing helps establish new neural connections to your desired goal.

A vision board is a collection of pictures of what you want and it is used to help you visualize the achievement of your goals. Some people find it difficult to visualize the things that they want, and hence, a vision board can be helpful in this.

Furthermore, you don’t just visualize the things that you want for once only and hope that the Universe will manifest them into your life. You have to practice visualization and do it on a regular basis.

It may be true that sometimes it is difficult to imagine the things that you are yet to own, especially in the beginning, and this is why you need to practice it often, preferably, on a daily basis.

According to experts, practicing visualization is most effective when done twice daily – once upon awakening and again before sleep. Repetition is vital in developing this skill, so it is recommended to make it a daily habit.


  1. The Felt sense

The main reason people claim that visualization and affirmations don’t work is that they neglect to incorporate emotion into their practice. Emotion is crucial for manifesting desires and activating the Law of Attraction. Simply going through the motions of visualization and affirmations without feeling anything won’t yield results. If you visualize your goals without feeling you are wasting your time.

Now imagine you are visiting a car showroom and all the salesman did is to read you all the information about the car from a brochure. Do you think you will be interested in buying the car? Not at all, even if you did buy the car, it is not because of the salesman, right?

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, it is crucial to be persuasive, passionate, and emotional to manifest your desires. The Universe is constantly listening to your thoughts, which are essentially vibrations. By adding emotions and feelings, you can transmit your thoughts to the Universe through a more vital channel.



  1. Gratitude

Gratitude is a crucial step that many people overlook when attempting to utilize the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires. Despite visualizing their dreams and setting goals, gratitude is often forgotten. However, expressing gratitude is essential for raising one’s vibration and aligning with the Universe, since it has the power to transform one’s reality.

On the other hand, if you are not grateful for everything that is happening to you, you will complain, you feel that everything is wrong, you struggle to pay your bills, you feel that your spouse cheated on you, and everything is not going right. You are operating from a life of lack.

Gratitude creates a life of abundance while complaining creates a life of scarcity.

Anthony Robbins once asked John Templeton what is the secret to wealth. Guess what Sir Templeton answered? He answered Tony, “You know it. You teach it, it’s gratitude”.


  1. Trust and Belief

To activate the Law of Attraction, belief and trust are fundamental. Without wholeheartedly trusting that what you have requested will come to fruition, the Law of Attraction cannot work effectively. Many fail to manifest their desires because they lack the belief that it is possible. While they may imagine becoming wealthy, they do not.

Take buying the lottery as an example. If you do not believe that you stand a chance to win, you will never buy the lottery ticket. You don’t even bother about it. However, if you truly believe that there is a chance that you can win, you will go ahead and buy a lottery ticket.

Taking committed actions is a reflection of one’s self-belief. The key to success is having faith in yourself and eliminating any possibility of failure. On the other hand, lacking confidence leads to inaction and giving up easily.


  1. Receive it

Receiving is the final step that must be taken after following the previous steps. It is crucial to let go of the old in order to make space for the new. For instance, one cannot begin a new relationship while holding onto past ones. The same applies to materialistic desires like buying a new car or clothes.

Using the analogy of a sponge and water, it is important to understand that when the sponge is full, it cannot take in any more water. Similarly, when we are mentally full, we cannot take on new things. To combat this, we must let go of our current load by squeezing the sponge and releasing the water

To enhance the ability to receive, one must practice giving. This can be done in several ways. For instance, if you aspire to flourish in your business, you must focus on generating more value for your clients. Moreover, if you want to be treated with kindness, try to care for others.

Try these 7 steps when you want to manifest your next goal.

You may find yourself pleasantly surprised with the results.