Attracting More of What You Want With Focus

Way back when I was a psychology major we studied something called the ‘reticular activating system’.

This part of the brain is like the guidance system on a missile. It simply goes out there and looks for you tell it to look for…either consciously or unconsciously.

Imagine you wanted to buy a red car for instance. This little part of the brain would start noticing red cars all over the place.

It’s like what you are focussed on tends to show more and more in your life.

Try this exercise for second…look for the colour green in the room around you. Try to find anything green that you can. Spend 10-20 seconds doing this.

So what happened? You probably noticed more and more green objects in the room. Maybe more than ever before?  Maybe you were surprised at how many green objects there actually were in the room? Maybe you even tried to make some objects green that were not?

Now this is an example of how you can literally see more of what you want consciously flood into your life everyday by simple directing your attention towards it.

You can try it with other things in your life.

Let’s talk about money for second. Most of us want more of that right?

Well one way to start seeing more of it in your life is to start looking at the money you have right now. Log into your bank account a couple of times a day and look at your finances.

This is one way to consciously direct your mind to what you have and focus attention on that. What you pay attention to grows then- as you have just seen.

And how about other things in your life that you want to see more of. 

Well another way to train your mind to attract more love, health etc into your life is by simply writing down all the things you are grateful for at the end of the day before you go to sleep.

You may have heard of this method before but it’s very powerful.

It’s simply a tool to focus your mind of the things you want more of.

It’s easy to say you are grateful for something-but this goes beyond that. It’s about deliberate conscious focussing.

Try it out and see how you get on.