Can manifestation happen in real life?


Have you heard a friend or scrolled through TikTok and stumbled upon the popular phrases “Manifest it” or “Speak it into existence” when seeking advice on achieving a life goal in the past few years? It’s likely that you may have encountered these phrases frequently.


The concept of Manifestation, which involves using aspirational-thought practices to bring something you desire into existence, has its origins in the 19th-century New Thought spiritual movement. This belief fueled the idea that our thoughts have the power to influence the material world and that a positive mindset is the key to resolving most earthly problems.


Recently, there has been a surge of interest in manifestation, as indicated by the steady rise in Google searches for “how to manifest” over the last five years. Additionally, there are now popular memes and self-proclaimed manifestation “experts” on platforms like TikTok.



Manifesting can be dismissed as mere wishful thinking, but experts in psychology suggest that it may involve more than that. They point out that focusing on one’s objectives can serve as a source of inspiration, and offer tips on how to manifest something in a constructive and feasible manner.


Manifestation is gaining popularity as a self-help technique that involves concentrating on a desired outcome. Individuals employ mindfulness, visualization, and meditation to bring their ambitions to fruition. The core idea is to create one’s objectives through thought. The practice is receiving widespread attention.


According to Denise Fournier, PhD, LMHC, a therapist in Miami who specializes in personal development and mindfulness, manifestation involves the creation of a future vision, infusion of energy and intention into making that vision a reality, and alignment of thoughts, emotions, and actions to achieve it. Fournier explains that this


With the current situation being unprecedented, there is a sudden increase in interest in a thought experiment. According to Dr. Fournier, the reason for this is that our sense of stability has been shaken, which can result in feeling powerless and overwhelmed. During times of instability or unpredictability, the prospect of having the ability to alter our futures appeals to many.


Manifestation offers more than just the allure of controlling one’s future, as it can also serve as a means of self-discovery. By identifying and focusing on what is truly desired in life, individuals are able to delve deeper into their psyche. This is comparable to the study of astrology and exploring one’s zodiac sign.


According to therapist Julia Bartz, self-exploration activities such as manifestation, astrology, and meditation can assist us in focusing on our true selves and priorities. Bartz suggests that societal norms and upbringing can influence our beliefs about what is important in life, such as accumulating wealth, forming traditional families, or pursuing fame.


Thinking about one’s aspirations and priorities can be beneficial in prioritizing what matters in life. This may be achieved through manifesting techniques or other methods. Such reflection can serve as a catalyst for taking action, such as leaving a deteriorating relationship or pursuing a job in a field of interest.

So the question remains…


Is manifestation possible?

Manifestation has a goal-setting perspective that holds some truth. Positive thinking, one of its essential aspects, can enhance one’s mental well-being, leading to lower depression and stronger coping mechanisms in stressful situations, assert Mayo Clinic studies. Furthermore, a positive and purpose-driven mindset can aid in achieving objectives. An investigation published in


According to Bartz, just wishing for something to happen won’t magically make it come true, but having a positive outlook on a situation may increase your chances of success. This can work in a similar way to a self-fulfilling prophecy. A 2016 review published in The Encyclopedia of Mental Health supports this


The key to manifesting your desires is to focus on the goal, the steps required to achieve it, and the emotions associated with reaching it. Envisioning what you want and how to attain it can motivate you to take action toward making it a reality. In essence, by visualizing your goals, you can help manifest them into reality.