Can you manifest bad thoughts?


Have you ever asked yourself if it is feasible to use manifestation to create something bad into your life?

 Such as a break-up, an awful disease, or even worse?

Manifestation is acknowledged to be a powerful tool and we have heard stories of people who have used this technique for obtaining their desired things like money and dream houses.


Could these kinds of things possibly be brought into our lives via our thoughts alone?


The law of attraction holds that “like attracts like.” Because of this, it is essential to have a positive mindset and exude positivity in order to manifest good things into your life.

This means avoiding thoughts, feelings, or actions that could bring about negativity. While worrying can be difficult to avoid at times, it is important to remember that focusing on these worries will not result in true belief and may lead to negative outcomes reflecting your attitude towards the universe.

Therefore, by striving for a positive outlook and making conscious efforts towards self-improvement you will attract more good into your life!

Can you manifest negative thoughts?

If you’re constantly thinking about how terrible your life is, this will be reflected in your reality.

Keeping a positive mindset is difficult, and you’re bound to slip up sometimes.

However, by constantly thinking negative thoughts and worrying about the future, you create a negative vortex of energy that is reflected back to you in the form of more negative thoughts.

If you want to attract positivity into your life, then it’s important that you try and stay positive!

Can you manifest bad things for others?

It is not possible to bring about bad outcomes for other people through manifestation. Manifesting only works on your own thoughts and beliefs, so it is not possible to control or affect someone else’s reality.

Whatever negative people and experiences you may be surrounded by are a direct result of your own inner mindset. To change how others behave, the first step should be to adjust your own mentality in order to manifest positive circumstances that will attract positivity from those around you.

Watch out for hidden negativity…

Many of us have what I call ‘hidden negativity’ under the surface in our lives.

This ‘hidden negativity’ is comprised of negative thoughts you might have in your subconscious mind about yourself.


Even though you may think positively on the surface…this negative energy from these thoughts gives off an energy that can be reflected in your reality.


This article has taught us that it is not possible to manifest negative things into our lives, but we can draw them in if we are thinking and feeling a certain way.

If we don’t want something bad to happen, or if someone else has suffered a misfortune, the only way for this to be changed is through our own actions – not by utilizing manifestation.

It’s up to us individually to take control of our lives and actively strive towards making positive changes so that better things may come in our direction instead of constantly being engulfed in fear and worry.