How do I attract money?

Are you wondering why some people seem to easily attract money while others struggle to acquire it? Do you believe that these wealthy individuals possess knowledge that is hidden from the rest of us? If you are like most people, you dream of achieving financial independence, but it can seem like an unattainable goal.


Although I am not a financial expert, I have had the privilege of working with financially independent clients and studying wealth for the past two decades. From my knowledge of these clients… here are some of the 5 steps they use to attract wealth.


 5 steps to Wealth Attraction

To attract wealth, it is important to have a sense of worthiness towards happiness. This does not mean entitlement but an acknowledgment of self-worth. The foundation for happiness lies in our belief in ourselves, which can be strengthened through morning routines. Before proceeding with other steps, it is crucial to first rid ourselves of the

To avoid falling into a negativity trap, it’s important to focus on what you have at present. Constantly ruminating on what you don’t possess or have lost leads to unproductive thinking and can repel happiness. Expressing gratitude for things you do have is crucial.


1.Put an end to learned helplessness

Persisting in learned helplessness perpetuates being stuck in poverty’s pull. Attracting wealth or positivity becomes impossible when continuously occupied with the mindset of “I can’t”. To break free, one must eliminate excuses and start using constructive language such as “I can”. By adopting this mentality, it becomes possible to attract wealth.


2. Forget being jealous

Jealousy over material possessions is an illusion, as owning luxury items doesn’t equate to wealth. Give up jealousy and make space for joy in your life. Release negative energy and find contentment in life’s simpler pleasures.

Don’t be fooled by material possessions, for they don’t necessarily indicate wealth.

Travel, road trip and adventure friends fun with outdoor holiday, summer vacation and countryside journey blue sky mock up. Wellness, excited and gen z people women lifestyle on dirt nature street

3. Power and money

Hard work and labor produce money, which deserves respect. Money requires organization and regular tracking, as it possesses the ability to restore or destroy. Proper management of money results in growth and long-term care, while disrespect can lead to atrophy and negative impact. Refrain from using money to boost self-esteem through unnecessary spending.


4. Learn about wealth

To bring in wealth, one must do more than just wishful thinking. It involves making a deliberate decision to understand the workings of money and the process of amassing wealth. In order to do so, one must study the practices, beliefs and routines of successful individuals who have attained wealth. These individuals can serve as mentors.



5. Give your money away

Money holds not only economic significance but also spiritual and Karmic power. To replenish the human spirit, it is important to give money to those who are less fortunate rather than hoarding it. It is crucial to use empathic abilities to identify who is in need and how we can assist them in their struggles.


Attracting Wealth-last thoughts

By following the 7 simple steps outlined in this article, you can attract wealth into your life right now. However, it is important to note that simple does not always mean easy, and change takes time. Whether it is a shift in our mindset about money or personal growth, it is a process that requires effort and time.