How does citrine attract money?


Citrine is a powerful crystal for attracting money due to its abundant properties. Known as the “merchant’s stone”, it encourages financial success when placed near a cash register, and its sunny disposition and optimistic energy uplifts the energy around it, attracting positivity and creative abundance. Its energetic alignment helps bring mental clarity and a


To attract money, having a positive mindset is crucial when practicing money manifestation. By feeling abundant and positive, you can manifest money easily. Citrine can be used to intensify and focus these emotions to attract wealth into your life. Using citrine in manifestation rituals can generate a flow of money energy throughout your life. Follow


How to Use Citrine to Attract Money (10 Easy Methods)

Place citrine in your home’s feng shui wealth area.

This increases the wealth and abundance energy in your home, which will expand into the rest of your life.


The wealth area in your house is accountable for boosting your monetary resources as well as abundance in all aspects. This is because genuine wealth goes beyond financial prosperity.


Wear a citrine wealth bracelet

By wearing citrine jewelry, you can enhance the wealth energy in your aura and attract financial abundance into your life. The use of citrine jewelry infuses your body with positive vibrations that can help you attract financial resources and opportunities. You may even experience instances of sudden wealth, such as discovering money on the ground or winning


If you own a business, you can use citrine to attract business success and more clients.

If you want to attract wealth and prosperity, you can place citrine on your business card or on the feng shui wealth area of your desk while working. Additionally, you can use citrine as a money magnet by keeping it in your cash register.


Create a feng shui wealth bowl

Incorporating citrine into your feng shui wealth bowl can enhance its ability to attract wealth. To target a specific amount of money, set that intention while assembling your wealth bowl. For guidance on creating a feng shui money bowl, follow the instructions provided in this article: 


Use a citrine money tree

A crystal tree known as citrine has the ability to attract and increase wealth. When used as a feng shui cure, it is an aesthetically pleasing appearance. It represents the generation of financial abundance that transcends into multiple lifetimes. By placing the citrine crystal tree in the wealth area you will attract abundance.


Keep citrine on your work desk to increase income in your job or career

Placing citrine on the feng shui wealth corner of your desk or even in the desk drawer can be beneficial if you want to keep it discreet. This gemstone is believed to bring positivity and help with getting a promotion, raise, or attracting clients in sales. It can also enhance the general vibe at work.


Create a crystal grid

To manifest a certain amount of money, you can use a citrine crystal grid. Creating a crystal grid can help channel manifestation energy into one place. To enhance its power, write your specific intention on a piece of paper and place it under the crystal grid. For optimal results, combine citrine with other crystals.


Meditate with citrine

To manifest your money goal, meditate with a citrine stone by holding it in your left hand or placing it on your solar plexus chakra. Focus on your financial intention during this practice.


To manifest a specific amount of money, it is recommended to immerse oneself in the feelings of already having received that exact amount. Another option is to meditate using a guided money meditation or visualize money raining down on oneself while focusing on the energy emitted by a citrine crystal. 

Place citrine by your front door

Feng shui emphasizes the significance of the front door in one’s home, as it serves as the entryway for luck, fortune, and life-force energy. Introducing citrine near the front entrance can enhance positive Chi and generate an abundance of wealth. For more insight on how to improve prosperity and opportunities, check


Place citrine on top of your manifestation journal

To enhance the money-attracting abilities of your manifestation journal, simply place citrine on top of it. This will imbue the journal with a powerful abundance energy. Alternatively, you can keep the citrine near you while you write in your journal to infuse your manifesting session with prosperity. To learn more about