How often should I do the 369 manifestation method?


The 369 manifestation method is a technique I discovered in 2016 alongside the law of attraction. However, before delving into utilizing this approach to manifest, let me take you back in time to explore a little history.


Introducing Serbian-American inventor, Nikola Tesla – renowned for his inventions, including the remote control and distributing electrical power on the grid.


Tesla’s theories of manifestation centered around the power of 3, 6, and 9, without getting too deep into vortex mathematics. He found that these numbers held significance in the universe, nature, and human blueprint. For instance, when studying circles (360 degrees), he discovered that no matter how many times you divided them, he kept coming up with the number 369.


Tesla’s belief that energy, frequency, and vibration hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe has been incorporated into the 369 manifestation method. This method, developed by Karin Yee, a light worker, combines Tesla’s approach with Abraham Hicks’ teachings to enhance our ability to manifest our desires.




To start the process, take out your journal and pen as there is a real power in writing. For the next 33 days, we will be focusing on one manifestation that lasts for 17 seconds. This may seem like an arbitrary number, but the teachings of Abraham Hicks repeatedly demonstrate the power of holding an affirmation for



What could your manifestation be? This all depends on what you’d like to attract into your life. This technique has helped people welcome money, love, house moves, and new jobs – the universe doesn’t put a limitation on what you’d like to manifest, as long as it is safe for you, for others, and the planet.

To effectively manifest, start by expressing gratitude, then infuse strong emotions, and end with “into my life.” For instance, express gratitude to the universe for bringing in £10,000 into your life, which will provide freedom, joy, and excitement. It is crucial to use words that intensify the feeling 




To manifest your desires effectively, start by taking your journal and writing out your 17-second long manifestation as soon as you wake up. Ensure that you focus on the feeling and energy of what you want to attract. Repeat the process three times and imagine the feeling of your desire arriving in your life. It’s important to

Perhaps the key if you struggle with relinquishing control, is to use this method on something you would like to attract into your life, but not something that means so much you need it to appear right away.



During the midday break, repeat the manifestation exercise from earlier by writing the desired outcome six times in your journal. Use the same visualization technique to immerse yourself in the positive energy and feeling of having manifested your desire. To elevate your mood and reduce stress, try forcing a smile while writing down your manifestation.




To end the day, grab your journal and rewrite your previous high-vibe manifestation nine times. This is the final step of the 369 manifestation method- the first three writings were meant to intend your desire to the universe, the next six aimed to intensify them, and the last nine were to solidify this manifestation



To ensure that you manifest your desires with 369, it is important to speak in the present tense, as though you already possess what you seek. Avoid using phrases such as “I will” or “I want,” as this implies lack and scarcity. Rather, affirm that your manifestation is already yours, even if it has not yet.

To ensure successful manifestation, it is important to trust that it may come to fruition sooner than the designated 33 days, as divine timing plays a significant role. However, if your desired outcome has not yet materialized by the end of this time frame, do not despair. Release it to the universe and maintain your faith it will come true.

To successfully use the 369 manifestation method, it’s important not to let negativity or self-doubt derail your efforts. If you find yourself struggling, take a step back to identify your doubts and whether they are based on truth or a belief. Determine if you need to take action or release something beyond your control.