How the law of attraction really works

When explaining how the law of attraction really works I like to refer to Neville Goddard.

In case you don’t know…Neville was like the OG of manifestation and the law of attraction about 100 years ago.

He had lots of amazing teaching on the law of attraction.

One of my favorites though was acting like the thing you want is already yours.

This is very much at the core of the law of attraction.

When you act as if what you want already exists…it makes it much more likely it will come into your life.

This is because your mind does not know the difference between what is real and not real.

The mind does not understand time either.

Everything is in the present.

‘through imagination, we transform the world”

“your imagination creates your reality”


These are

both Famous Neville quotes.

The bottom line is that you should use your imagination to manifest what you want in the present moment.