How to attract money at work

The Law of Attraction is based on the belief that we can manifest our desires by focusing on them. This principle has significantly impacted my life, but it may not work for everyone. A crucial aspect that is often overlooked is that attracting what we want is only one-half of the equation. We must also take action towards what we want.

Here’s some ideas on how to attract the money you want at work.

Face your fears

Overcoming fears is crucial for achieving success at work or at home, whether it is the fear of failure or the fear of success. Indecision due to the fear of making mistakes can hold one back from taking action. On the other hand, failing to try at all is the real failure. Instead of succumbing to fear, run towards it. Embrace it. Take on the responsibility you’re afraid of…or go for the promotion you are scared of…and watch the money come flowing into your life.


Create reminders everywhere

The Law of Attraction highlights the importance of affirmations and visualization in achieving one’s goals. When I began my career in real estate, I would write letters on my hand to remind me of my affirmations throughout the day. These letters stood for affirmations such as “best salesperson.”

When I saw the letters my mind would get triggered to focus on my work goals.

To execute significant ideas, it is vital to take action. This involves putting in the effort to get started on your ideas. Make sure to jot down your idea while you are feeling motivated, and then create a list of initial steps needed to bring it to fruition.

If you want to excel in your field, imitate your rivals and outperform them. Observe their websites and promotional materials closely. Ensure that your company is attractive enough for their top talents to join. I have gained several insights by recruiting employees from my competitors.

Mimic others

To excel and attract abundance in your field, it’s important to learn from your rivals and surpass their efforts. Analyze their marketing materials, website, and work culture, and strive to create a better and more appealing environment for top talent. I’ve discovered many winning strategies by hiring former competitors. Cultivate mentors to guide you/

Give with emotion

To receive, you must first give, and this rule applies beyond financial transactions. An additional aspect is “vibrational giving,” where the emotions felt during the act of giving determine what is received in return. It could be money or something else, but the important factor is to genuinely feel positivity while giving. The universe will send you back what you need.


Invest in your team

The key to being the best is to work with the best and compensate them appropriately. My experience taught me that negotiating lower rates with vendors resulted in them cutting corners due to insufficient budget. This ultimately affected the quality of their work. It’s imperative that employees and vendors don’t feel constrained by monetary limitations so that they can deliver the best work to you.


Enjoy it — and keep it up

Having wealth does not solely depend upon money but also having leisure time to relish it and disconnect from work. The key to long-term wealth is to persist with the practices that helped you achieve it in the first place, even during challenging times. When my initial business hit hurdles, I succumbed to worry and pessimism. Enjoying the process for me would have helped me a lot.