How to manifest with gratitude

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations that you can tap into, along with love, joy, empowerment, and freedom. This vibration serves as a magnet for experiences that bring more of these feelings into your life.

According to Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale, gratitude is especially powerful because it helps you attract even more positive experiences.

Expressing thanks can bring about a feeling of abundance. Gratitude allows you to focus on the positive aspects of your life, instead of dwelling on what is missing.


When you give thanks for all the things in your life, it is like telling the Universe, “I value these things, and I am ready to be given more”. Expressing appreciation for the love that surrounds you will draw more of it towards you. Even if your financial situation may not be very desirable by other people’s standards, appreciating what money you have opens up chances of having greater wealth.


Expressing gratitude can be a powerful tool to help ease feelings of desperation, frustration, and hopelessness. It has the potential to immediately raise your vibration in a manner most emotions cannot. To illustrate this point, if you are feeling frustrated it is difficult to access joy at that time. However, if you acknowledge your frustration while simultaneously appreciating all the blessings within your life, it becomes easier to shift into a higher vibration.

How To Practice Gratitude

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, practicing sincere gratitude is essential. To ensure you are truly grateful, consider writing down a few things each morning that you are thankful for and adding a “why” statement to explain why this thing is so meaningful in your life. Doing this will help you genuinely appreciate all the blessings in your life.


Focusing on the Law of Attraction and truly expressing my gratitude is essential. I am thankful for my best friend, who always gives me sound advice; thankful for the safety and comfort of home; and most importantly, grateful for the capability to move my body in a way that brings me joy. By authentically appreciating these aspects of life, I can honor them with a genuine spirit from within and bask in their radiance.


Methods For Practicing Gratitude

If you’re looking to establish a meaningful gratitude practice that will allow you to appreciate more amazing people, things, and experiences in your life, here are some tips for getting started:

Tip#1 Start the day with gratitude

Start your day by noting down one to three things that you are grateful for. Develop a habit of keeping a gratitude journal and refer to it often so that you can find reasons to be thankful and cultivate joy.

Affirm yourself with positive statements about being grateful throughout the day, set reminders on your phone for random times when you can pause and reflect on what you’re thankful for in that moment, and don’t forget to express gratitude regularly to everyone around you – friends, family, coworkers as well as the people who serve you at various places like cafes or banks.


Tip #2: Have gratitude in the moment

Do not delay until your wishes have been fulfilled to start feeling thankful for them. Show appreciation now, precisely as you would on the day they ultimately become reality. What is the reason this works? You might be familiar with the phrase “Live as if.” Manifestation relies heavily on resonating at the same frequency of what you desire, and there is no better way to do that than to act like all your dreams have already come true.

Experiencing thankfulness in advance corresponds with living as if. If you are always focusing on a lack, expecting something to happen, and concentrating on its absence, then you disconnect yourself from actually having that thing. However, when you live as if your aspirations have already come true, then it leads to genuine gratitude and admiration for this life of your dreams.


Tip #3: Become conscious

 As you become more conscious of your thoughts and feelings, life changes as it starts to happen through you rather than simply happening to you. This is where the genuine transformation takes place.

When you are out and about, take the opportunity to practice gratitude. Next time you’re stopped at a red light while driving, take a deep breath and be grateful for the pause. If you find yourself in line at the grocery store that is moving slowly, stand still and give thanks for this moment in your life. Instead of feeling frustrated by the little annoyances of everyday life, choose to appreciate them instead.

Making a conscious effort to change your outlook can have an immense impact on your life. When you understand how powerful your thoughts really are, it allows you to control your inner world – and ultimately master your life.