How to practice the law of attraction

There are many ways to practice the law of attraction.

Here are 3 tops to get you started.

#1 Make sure to write down the goal you want to achieve.

 Our minds love when we write down what we want. It gives the mind something to really latch onto.

It gives it something to aim towards.

This makes it way more likely that you will attract what you want.

#2 Dream bigger

Most of us create goals that are not big enough to be exciting.

When you create a big goal it will make it more motivating for you to achieve it.

#3 Be aware of your values.

To maximize your chances of what you want coming into your life…make sure to go after things that are in alignment with your values.

If you want more money for instance…make sure that money is on your value list.

In other words… you value money.

Hope these tips help.