How to raise your vibrations for manifestation


In the past 12 months, I’ve discovered that meditation is an excellent method of soothing my buzzing brain. Initially, my thoughts were skipping from one idea to another and it was hard for me to concentrate on a single thing for more than 30 seconds. Nonetheless, with time I have been able to spend 10 minutes in bed during my Miracle Morning routine with a crystal-clear mind. The Honest Guys duo on YouTube are great but Headspace’s free sessions are superb!


Be thankful

This weekend, I devoted an hour to reflecting on all the wonderful things in my life that I am so grateful for. And trust me, there are many! When we focus on the positive – not allowing ourselves to get caught up in lack and struggle – then more good will come our way. From having a comfortable home, to having enough money for groceries, access to the internet that allowed me to find work I love, and cats who haven’t destroyed my furniture yet…I could go on and on! Writing it all down was overwhelming yet enlightening; it made me appreciate all that I have in life. It’s easy to take everything we have for granted these days; understanding how fortunate we are is essential in order to be truly happy.


 Thoughts are powerful

For the last two days, I made a conscious effort to stop myself when I started thinking in a negative way. This is especially tough for those who tend to be pessimistic but you will feel so much better if you can do it. Whenever I was driving and someone else did something that would normally annoy me, instead of getting angry or yelling profanities, I chose to give them space and turn up some music that put me in a good mood.

It may seem like a ridiculous example, but this is often where I let myself down when I’m feeling upbeat. By taking control of my thoughts while driving, I was able to have a much more peaceful day. Why not give it a go yourself? When a pessimistic thought enters your head, switch it around and either disregards it completely, look for the good in the situation or remember that you don’t have any right to pass judgment on someone else’s lifestyle.

Crystal Power

I’ve been a fan of using crystal energy for just over a year now, and have quite the collection including citrine, clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst and many others dotted around the house.

Sometimes, however, your crystals will need reprogramming so they can send out the best possible energy for what you need. After washing each crystal with salt and water, I followed a tutorial to discover how to reprogram them and set a new intention for each.

My citrine, for example, is programmed to attract financial abundance and success with my work, while my rose quartz is designed to help me attract more love into my life.

Once I’d done this, I genuinely felt a clearer energy running through my home. It sounds “woo” to those who don’t understand crystals, but it felt like the old energy attached to them had dispersed.


The answer is in the Oracle

I recently purchased some Oracle cards from Anthropologie because they were attractive. I’m always on the lookout for aesthetic props. Oracle cards are not like Tarot since there is no fixed structure to them. You can pick one card if you want an immediate answer, two cards to understand how you have been feeling and will feel about something, or three cards to comprehend your feelings mentally, physically and spiritually. If I find myself needing direction of any kind, I’ll draw a card in the morning that aids me in understanding my outlook on a particular situation – it’s similar to reading your daily horoscope: take from it what resonates with you.