How Your Shadow Keeps You Poor

Ok – I’m not talking about your real shadow-as in that dark thing that follows you round-but rather those thoughts and feelings that are screened from your awareness.

These thoughts and emotions lurk in the background of our consciousness and run our show from behind the scenes. And for most of us that “show” is full of negative beliefs about ourselves…Beliefs that stop us receiving all the abundance we deserve in life.

Some common beliefs are:

  • I’m not good enough
  • I’m not enough
  • I’m a bad person
  • I’m inadequate

Most of us have variations of these beliefs somewhere in our shadow self.

So how do you get rid of these beliefs and start living life on your own terms and manifesting what you want?

Well as opposed to what many people think in the ‘law of attraction’ community-you don’t need to go around thinking positive thoughts all day.

Think about it…What gets rid of a shadow?

Shining a light on it right?

In our case- that means shining the light of your consciousness on your shadow.

So simply becoming aware of your negative beliefs can be enough to start to melt them away.

Inside my abundant life club I go one step further.

You get a series of powerful recordings that reach deep inside your subconscious mind and start to delete negative beliefs about attracting abundance one step at a time.

To your success