Is manifesting a sin?

This is my take on how a religious person might think about manifestation.

As far as I’m concerned…of course, manifestation is not a sin.

But here goes some religious thoughts on the subject…

Manifesting is a concept that involves making something happen through the power of positive or negative thinking.

According to the law of attraction, our thoughts have the ability to attract similar energies and experiences into our lives, as there is a magnetic pattern in the universe.

This philosophy draws inspiration from various traditions such as Hermeticism.

Many people who practice the law of attraction from Christian and Muslim faiths have asked themselves over the years…

Is Manifesting Really a Sin? 

Here’s what religious people say…

Believing that you can manifest your desires through the law of attraction leads to the dangerous notion that you are in control and can be your own god.

This is because manifestation is the act of creating one’s own reality. However, this goes against the concept of God’s sovereignty. According to Psalm 115:3,


The law of attraction employs meditation and mantras to achieve desires. Mantra, originating from Hinduism, represents a mystical formula for invocation, which is the act of seeking help. However, before succumbing to this practice, one must question the source of this help.


The temptation to be like God, which is the oldest, is still prevalent today.

This is especially true in manifesting, where people make their own decisions to achieve their desires and essentially become

So maybe we need to remember…


What’s best for me?

“I don’t always know what’s good for me.”

This is what religious people think.

They believe things like:

“I need God’s input. God is greater than my heart and my wants.”

He knows what’s really good for me and what isn’t. Just because I want something, doesn’t mean it’s good for me.

I can ask Him for anything I want but he gives me infinitely more than I can ever ask, think, or imagine 

Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for me to understand His decisions and His ways 


I must leave room for God’s sovereignty to reign in my life. I should have faith in many possibilities, but God prevails over my beliefs and efforts. I pray. He directs. This is the way it should be.



You gotta have Faith?

The verse in Matthew 21:21-22 suggests that having faith and no doubt can lead to answered prayers.

Jesus spoke that if we have unwavering faith, we can accomplish great things, including commanding mountains to be cast into the sea.

We can ask for anything in prayer, but it requires faith for it receives it.” 

Jesus desires us to have faith and overcome doubts, enabling us to accomplish more than we perceive.

Doubts hinder our faith, preventing us from wholeheartedly serving God. Our faith should solely rely on God, rather than being divided between Him and other things.


God delights in granting us excellent gifts, yet more crucially, He desires to discern our intentions for seeking anything.

 Simply having a desire because others possess it, will not persuade God to bestow it upon us. God has uniquely created each person with specific wants and needs, and He knows what is best for us.

Focus on God, Not You

Goal setting is important to have a direction in life, and having motivational symbols can help with perseverance.

However, there is a distinction between envisioning something and using meditation to manifest it.

According to the principles of manifestation and the laws of attraction, if one focuses intently on a desired outcome, it will become a reality.

When God laid the foundations of the earth and determined its dimensions, where were you?

Therefore, it is essential to adopt humility by seeking first the kingdom of God. Subsequently, all other required things will be added later. When praying, it is crucial to request God’s direction regarding our desires’ suitability.