Is the law of attraction haram?
The law of attraction, which states that if someone maintains a positive attitude, they will draw success, prosperity, love, and joy into their life, may be seen as beneficial to some, yet some Muslims believe it encourages greed and selfishness thus making it prohibited in Islam.
In Islam, the “law of attraction” can sometimes be seen as haram as it is based on the idea that negative thoughts bring negative occurrences. In place of permitting these kinds of thoughts to control your life, it is more preferable to stay encouraged by thinking of the positive things in life and having faith.
A practice in Muslim tradition is manifesting, that requires people to send positive energies and energies of intentions onto certain things. This does not go beyond Allah’s will, and the purpose is not to change it, but to rather accept His kindness and generosity into one’s life. Manifesting is not an unfamiliar concept.
The notion that everything occurs due to Allah, and that we are all united with Him, is the main tenet of Islamic philosophy. Allah is seen as an all-powerful entity akin to the universe, and focusing on Him and His creation are essential to experience success. Additionally, shirk must be avoided: the
The law of attraction, which some Muslims regard to be haram, suggests that one is able to bring about the desired results in their life: success, wealth, joy, love, etcby means of their thoughts and concentration. Despite that, its intent needs to be kept in mind: if it is used for ill
The Islamic view on this belief is to take practical steps to reach your goals, rather than relying on the “law of attraction” to make your dreams a reality. Moreover, the concept of the “law of attraction” is based on the idea that negative thoughts attract bad things. This makes it imperative that if you are to practice the concept of the “law of attraction” you focus on positive thoughts, and take action toward achieving the goals you are manifesting.
Believing in what Allah desires for you is not forbidden in Islam, even though affirmations used in tandem with the “law of attraction” do not form a part of the religion. These statements do have a major effect on one’s subconscious mind, shown by how strongly an individual may believe that a certain event