Popular manifestation books

There are a lot of great books written about manifestation over the years.

Some are better than others.

Here are a few that noteworthy.

The Secret: by Rhonda Byrne:

No list of manifestation books would be complete without a mention of the ‘secret’

This book introduced the idea of manifestation for the first time.

Positive thinking and visualization were the main takeaways from this book.

The Power of the subconscious mind: by Joseph Murphy

This book goes deep into the idea of the subconscious mind and how it helps us to manifest what we desire in life.

You will also learn about how to re-program subconscious beliefs.

Ask and it is given: by Esther and Gerry Hicks

This book is packed full of practical tips on how to manifest your dreams.

There are real-life examples of techniques you can follow along with to manifest your dreams in the book.