What is the most powerful way of manifesting?


There are a lot of manifestation methods out there.


Here are 7 of the best ones…


The Power of the Journal

To successfully manifest whatever you desire, starting with journaling can be extremely helpful. According to manifestation coach Kathleen Cameron, self-awareness is crucial when it comes to manifesting, and journaling can aid in cultivating it. Writing down your thoughts every day can help you identify any self-imposed obstacles and find a way to reach your goals with the power of the journal.


See it up on the board…

Vision boarding is another valuable tool for manifesting your desires, involving the creation of a physical representation of what you hope to attract. This can take the form of a mood board or digital collection of images that captures the changes or experiences you seek. According to reiki master and spiritual writer Kelsey Patel, such visualization helps us manifest anything we desire.


Visualize it!

Visualizing is essential in manifesting one’s desires, but it should not just be limited to creating vision boards. It is crucial to visualize every aspect of what is being desired, including the kind of person one must be to attract those things. According to Cameron, it is necessary to bring forth the version of oneself in the mind’s eye before it manifests into reality.



List it out!

Cameron suggests creating a comprehensive list of 50 things that one desires to experience, emphasizing the need for detailed descriptions. By going deep and exploring what one would truly want and experience in their ideal life, this exercise will strengthen the visualization process. Feeling the reality of these experiences is crucial for vibrational alignment.


The 369 method

The 369 method is a preferred way of manifestation for many, where one needs to write down their desire to manifest three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening, and repeat this daily. This technique involves holding on to one’s goal all day, which is beneficial for accessing a new reality where these goals manifest.


 Affirmations on repeat…

To rewire thought patterns, repeating positive affirmations throughout the day can work like the 369 method. Affirmations can help unlearn negative thought patterns that hinder manifestation. It’s possible to choose any affirmation that resonates with you, such as “I am worthy,” “Love surrounds me,” or “I can achieve anything.”


 Action taking

The final step to achieving your goals is taking aligned action. Simply journaling about your desires won’t bring them to life. To move forward, you must think, feel and behave like the version of yourself who has already achieved your goals. This requires letting go of old habits and patterns of inaction.


What does not work?

While manifestation methods can be useful, they are not a magic solution. These methods can assist in the process, but at the end of the day, it is the individual who has to make internal changes for manifestation to work effectively. According to Cameron, manifestation techniques are supplementary tools that can be helpful.

Describing the self you aspire to become as your “future” or “higher” self only creates a sense of separation. The truth is, you already embody that self. The key is to align your thoughts and actions with it.


 Take this away

Manifesting involves aligning oneself with their desired outcome, and while there are methods available to aid in this process, individuals must still put in the effort to make these desires a reality. Utilizing tools for assistance can be beneficial, but they are not a complete solution for success in manifestation.