How do you meditate to manifest love…

Have you ever wished for the perfect partner or become financially successful?

Manifesting your heart’s desire for love is something you want to master.

The Secret documentary of 2006 has inspired many to start thinking differently about how to attract a soulmate.

The Law of Attraction is not solely activated by desire, imagination, and vision boards, as The Secret failed to mention. Positive affirmations are not enough on their own. Merely thinking positively about the person you want in your life will not enable them to manifest magically.

Meditating frequently on who you want to attract in your life is going to be really helpful in helping them manifest for you.


Here are 3 steps to manifest your soulmate…



Find a quiet place where you can close your eyes safely.

Now picture first of all what you want your soul mate to look like.

Go into as much detail as possible.

Whatever you find attractive feel free to picture it.



The next time you meditate, think about what kind of person your soul mate is.

What is their personality like?

How do they treat you?

What kind of conversations do you have?

Allow your mind to wander here.

Allow your mind to wander as much as possible.

Step #3

Next time you meditate ask yourself who you would need to be to attract the partner of your dreams.

What would you need to be or have?

Maybe it would involve getting over some emotional problem.

Or make some other change in your life.

When your subconscious tells you the answer ask it to give you a solution to get over this problem.

It may be something as simple as going out more or changing something in your dating profile.

Final thoughts…


These three different steps can help you finally start to manifest the kind of love and romantic connection you want in life.


You will be sending out a beacon or signal to the universe…telling it to deliver the kind of person you have been dreaming of all your life.

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