The secret of how to manifest what you want…

To manifest your desires, one option is to follow the simple three-step process disclosed in Rhonda Byrne’s bestselling book, The Secret.

This process was previously known as The Creative Process but can also be referred to as The Manifestation Practice. Implementing this powerful practice is essential if you want to achieve your goals.


The three steps of the Manifestation Practice are:

  1. ASK for it
  2. BELIEVE it will happen
  3. RECEIVE it now


Step 1: Ask for it

To manifest your desires, the initial step is to ask, which involves making a decision. If you don’t ask the universe will never know what your desire is.

Making decisions is comparable to a milk run to the corner store. Unfortunately, most desires are more complex as we often possess doubts and limiting beliefs about the worthiness of what we want.

When doubt is present, manifestation is slower.

Sometimes it’s not possible at all.


Step 2: believe it will happen

To Manifest what you want, start by having a strong conviction that it’s attainable for you.  As Antony Hopkins says in his viral video…BELIEVE, BELIEVE BELIEVE… even if you don’t believe it

.If you experience skepticism that is hindering your confidence in being deserving of what you’ve requested, affirmations can prove to be a powerful tool in bolstering your self-assurance.

An affirmation is like a powerful belief charger.

An affirmation charges your belief with energy…making it more likely it will come true.


Step 3: Receive your blessing

To achieve Manifestation, one must match their frequency to that of their desire and feel positive. This positivity serves as a magnet to draw the desire closer to oneself.

Receiving is an emotion in itself.

Take a second and feel what it feels like to receive.

The more energy you can feel in your body…the more you will be able to receive in reality.

This is just one way to help manifest your desires.


There are many more methods and techniques to help you manifest what you want.


See an example of one of those methods here.